Hearing Protection and Swim Moulds

Hearing protection and swim moulds from your Leeds audiology practice

Why do we need hearing protection?

How we hear

Hearing protection and why we might need it, relates to how we hear. Our hearing mechanism can detect the faintest whisper right up to the roar of a jet engine.

The fine, delicate, hair-like structures of the inner ear are a little like underwater grasses constantly in motion with the waves of the water. The bigger the sound (the bigger the movement of the water), the more the tiny structures (like the grasses) move.

Now imagine a huge underwater current violently shaking the underwater grasses. This is similar to what happens when we hear very loud sounds.


The risk of excessive sound

The fluid in our inner ears moves with enormous force, damaging the delicate, fine structures within our ears.

If this happens repeatedly over time or if the sound is of an extremely high level, this can result in permanent damage to our hearing, often with tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

The damage done to the delicate, fine hair-like structures, often occurs before any noticeable hearing loss. This is why hearing protection is essential if you are at risk of noise damage. Read more in our blog How we hear


Who is at risk for noise-induced hearing loss?

Musicians are at a high risk of noise-induced hearing loss, partly due to the level of sound they experience but also due to repeated exposure to their art form. Read more in our blog: How loud is too loud?

Several high-profile musicians and DJs have spoken openly about their experience of hearing loss and tinnitus due to their careers and recommed some sort of hearing protection when working.

Firearms, whether for leisure or while serving in the armed forces, are another noise-induced hearing loss risk.

Working with heavy machinery and equipment, for example, power tools, has also been linked to hearing loss.

Motorsports and riding a motorbike also expose the riders to high sound levels, often for extended periods.

Any situation where the noise level appears high enough to prevent you from hearing conversational speech can be potentially harmful.

music gig

Types of hearing protection

Hearing protection in the form of noise-attenutating ear plugs come in a variety of styles. The most basic reduce sound by blocking the ear.

The most advanced are custom, bespoke earplugs, which can be made with a specific level of attenuation (noise-reducing properties).

These are designed to reduce all frequencies of sound by the same amount, thus allowing for a natural sound albeit at a quieter level. Perfect for listening to music for example.

Here in Leeds, our audiologist can discuss your requirements and can offer custom, bespoke hearing protection. These require the unique shape of your ear being taken which allows for a custom fit.

Swim moulds

A condition called ‘swimmers’ or surfers’ ear occurs, due to repeated exposure to cold water. Essentially, small bony growths occur in the external ear canal. These can become problematic. Custom swim moulds are one way to minimise this risk.

Sometimes children, or adults with ear perforations (holes in the eardrum) can benefit from custom swim moulds. These often allow individuals to continue with their swimming whilst reducing the risk of ear infections.

Sleep earplugs

We all know how important sleep is to our general health and well-being. Whether you have noisy neighbours or work shifts, you may benefit from sleep earplugs to help you sleep. Again, our audiology clinic in Leeds will be able to provide you with the best advice for your needs.

Contact us today for an initial discussion.

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