There are many reasons why we sometimes feel off-balance or dizzy. Sometimes this can be related to our balance organ, part of the inner ear structures. Other times, it can be due to other health issues, low blood pressure for example when standing. Balance involves a complex relationship between different systems within the body and the integration of those systems within the brain. Ear problems can definitely cause issues with our balance, but not always.
Can earwax cause balance problems?
Impacted earwax can cause a dizzy sensation because as discussed earlier, our ears are integral to our ability to maintain our balance. If the impacted wax is pushed up against the eardrum it can affect the signals sent from the ear to the brain which in turn can affect our balance. If earwax is causing any problems with balance, safe ear wax removal is necessary, to allow for further assessments if necessary.
Can earwax removal cause dizziness?
Microsuction techniques used to remove earwax, do not usually cause any dizziness. If however earwax is touching the eardrum, there may be some sensations of feeling off balance during or after the procedure. Irrigation of the ears using water, again should not cause any balance issues. As long as the water used is at the correct temperature, water used to flush out earwax should have no effect on the balance organ. If water at too high or low temperature is used, then this could temporarily induce some dizziness.
How long will dizziness last, following wax removal?
If feeling dizzy or off balance is caused by earwax, then removal of it should alleviate this fairly quickly. If, however, there is a different cause of dizziness, then this will become clear, if and when the earwax is removed.
Should I be worried about balance/dizziness problems?
Like many health issues, feeling dizzy or off balance can be caused by a number of things. If the issue is related to the ear, having a hearing test can aid in diagnosis. Choosing a practitioner with knowledge of hearing and balance function can further facilitate discussion and advice if needed.